So I had a garage sale last weekend, and amongst the fabulous treasures that I tried to hawk on my driveway was my first computer. I was hoping that just maybe some retro-techie kind of person would garage-sail by, geek out, and buy my solid state piece of early-80's technology, but to no avail. Actually, one guy came by with his French friend (no joke, the guy had a French accent) and said, "Hey! Want to see the first computer I ever programmed on?" He was the only one that knew what it was, and the fucker didn't buy it, so now I offer it for FREE to the web-community.
First come, first served, no strings attached: I'm giving away the mighty Texas Instruments-99/4A. It comes with all of its original cables (you can hook it up to a black-and-white or a color television), a tape recorder for storing information (also known as "data" in the computing industry), and a speech synthesizer module that plugs in the side of it kind of like an Atari cartridge. So if you (or someone you know) collect old computer artifacts, drop me a line and it is yours. We'll work out shipping arrangements or, if you live in the DFW metromess, pickup arrangements.
What, no takers? Did I mention that I'm GIVING it away?
I would be interested! What would the shipping be to Portland, OR.
Zip Code --->97224
I would be! Computers these days are a pain in the ass to try to program, with THEIR operating systems. What would shipping be to Illinois? ZIP-60148
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