Thursday, May 19, 2005

Review: Revenge of the Sith

Apparently, my good friend and fellow Heathen didn't like the movie:

Then again, I don't really think he tried.

I liked this one. It was fun, it was simple, it was direct, it was blissfully spare of Lucas-love-dialogue. I will grant that Natalie Portman and Samuel Jackson offer performances that make Keanu Reeves look positively effervescent; I will further grant that, "Faster! More intense!" is not necessarily the best form of direction to offer an actor.

Go in to this movie expecting Flash Gordon. Go in to this one expecting Buck Rogers. Go in to this one expecting an amusement park full of visuals. A word of caution to send you on your way: know your Expanded Universe, or at least have a Fanboy handy to explain what happened in the Cartoon Network's "Clone Wars" series.

You don't always enjoy everything at the amusement park, but if you concentrate on the Cranky Biscuits and Grumblecakes, you won't enjoy anything.