Monday, December 13, 2004

Vindication for Neo-Noir

I entered into a conversation earlier this year about a flick called "Collateral." My longtime friend and associate, Chet, insisted that my enjoyment of this film was less than intelligent as the film has huge holes in it, etc. I insisted that, in spite of said holes, the film is a really good ride, and that only in retrospect do the holes present a problem; during the ride, however, they are of little consequence.

Well according to these fellers,

"Collateral" is one of the top ten american films of the year. Yay me!


Anonymous said...

I think the inclusion of such a (nearly literal) trainwreck of a film in 2004's "top ten" is evidence not of the quality of the wreck, but of the lack of quality of films last year. :)

Also, just because "Collateral" is crap (as are, ultimately, nearly all Mann pictures -- I think the only good one is "Ali," which succeeds largely on the talents of Will Smith) doesn't mean neo-noir as a genre is doomed, or needs vindication.

Merry Christmas anyway,


Anonymous said...

Also, if you check their "best TV" list, you'll see they're just plain on crack there. They omit "The Wire" completely, which is simply bizarre, and include dreck like "Desperate Housewives," "Nip/Tuck," and "The Shield."

So AFI? Bah.

When are we drinking ? Conversations like this need WHISKY, goddammit.