Monday, December 12, 2005

English Major Comedy

Okay, so my good friend and fellow Heathen Chet has posted something about "Bikini Calculus" on Heathen Central. For those of you with actual interest in figuring out the stress co-efficient of a string bikini, this may or may not be your cup of tea.

Basically, it's poorly made video footage of women in skimpy clothing "teaching" calculus. Accordian Guy blogged it first on his site.

He comments that he doubts that the women have any idea what they're reading off of the teleprompter, but another guy points us toward Paige's bio which claims her as a Master's grad from MIT.

Now, for the English majors in the house who lingered this long looking for the English major joke, I refer you to the "What's your favorite preposition?" section of her bio: she says "but" is her favorite, but she uses "but" as a conjunction in the example she offers.

Stupid bitch.


Anonymous said...

Yeah, and Samantha Fox had a degree in...err, what was it, biochemistry? Or was that Cindy Crawford?

Anonymous said...

Yeah, and Samantha Fox had a degree in...err, what was it, biochemistry? Or was that Cindy Crawford?

Aloysius Bosch said...

Cindy Crawford, according to IMDB, studied chemical engineering on scholarship for one academic quarter at Northwestern. Samantha Fox's education was as a Page 3 girl. Uh... yeah, that about says it all.