Sunday, January 22, 2006

Welcome to iHeck

No, not iHell; iHell is as bad as it could get. I'm in iHeck: things could be worse.

I have mislaid my iPod earphones. Yes, I know that ANY earphones will work, but I found that I liked the ones it came with both of the times I used them.

And there is no simple replacement option for the ubiquitous white headphones. The cheapest set that the Apple store offers is $39.00 (yes, thirty-nine American dollars). They come with some kind of remote control adapter so that you can listen to the radio on your iPod. You know, because, like, they don't give away self-contained personal radios at the ballpark. (With all due respect, Mr. Jobs, I got the fucking iPod so I WOULDN'T HAVE TO LISTEN TO THE LOCAL RADIO FARE.)

The next replacement-head-phone option is a forty-nine dollar set of earspeakers. Ear speakers. Small, self-contained speakers that fit in your ear. And they come with three sets of form-fitting collars (small, medium, and large) so that they will fit properly in your ear.

The prices of the other "after-market" headphones ranged from $29 to $159.00 at the Apple store, so I figured that I could probably do better just to suck it up and buy a simple pair of fucking headphones locally. I went to which was no better than the Apple store, really. Cheap ones are five bucks, decent ones are no less than ten. I did learn that one can purchase a $499.99 pair of earbuds. Four-hundred and ninety-nine dollars and ninety nine cents. Though I wouldn't expect filet mignon every time I listened to my iPod with five-hundred-dollar earphones, I better at least get a hand-job from a young woman I don't know well every goddamn time.

Thus, I continue my search for my original earbuds, ever hopeful that one of my students didn't swipe them, ever hopeful that maybe this time they will turn up in my coat pocket. If anyone has an extra unused set from, say, an extra iPod shuffle that Santa stuck in your stocking, please feel free to drop me a line. I'll pay for shipping.

And a steak.


Anonymous said...

nI have heard that having white earbuds is a dead give away that you are wearing an iPod. It sends an alerts those who might be watching for the right time to pick up an iPod at no cost. Maybe the black earphones might not be too bad, especially at a high school.

Anonymous said...

That notwithstanding, the Apple "in-ear" buds are actually way better than the default buds. They sound better and are more comfy. If I didn't need to listen on airplanes, I'd be using those.
