Wednesday, August 24, 2005

700 lb. Xmas Gifts

Penguin Classics has released, via, their Complete Library. For a mere $7989.50, you can have delivered for free your new library of 1,082 titles. That's a savings of over $5k off the cover price! And the shipping's FREE!!! According to NPR, they've sold 10 so far.

Unfortunately, some true classics did not make the cut due to copyright laws. For example, The Great Gatsby and all of the Faulkner novels did not make it because the respective estates still hold the rights to publication. However, there are a lot of really neat novels on the list. As an English teacher, it's fun to peruse the list and realize that, dang, I actually did read a lot of stuff in school.

Now if I could recall it all....

NPR coverage here:
And ordering info here:

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