Thursday, August 25, 2005


Week two of the school year, and already I jeopardize my job. Why do I do it? Must be the way my asshole puckers when I get these kind of messages from my students:

"hello mrbosch.

i am working on my hitler speech research
and dear lord.
he made tons and tons and tons of speeches.
i was wondering if you had any insight on
perhaps his best one for me to start off on.

your favourite 7th period student
Leah zeppelin."

It's worth pointing out that she sent that message to me through the school district's website, the one that is regularly scrutinized for inappropriate content.

My response was strictly PC, naturally. I warned her about historical apologists and spooky websites that pretended to be unbiased. I don't really know that much at all about Nazis aside from their tendecy toward being limp-dicked goat-fuckers. I suppose I should be honored that she came to me for help with the assumption that I knew about all things rhetorical.

Pardon me, now. I'm going to go sit somewhere quiet and attempt to get over my shuddering case of the jibblies.

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