Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Pro Evo Shenanigans? (WTFx10 to 10th power)

I recieved a shrink-wrapped book in the mail today called ProEvo: Pro Evolution--Guideline for an Age of Joy. It is a pseudo-mystical conglomeration of evolution and Eastern religion as far as I can tell.

Okay, two things about this really wig me out:
  1. Out of the blue I received this book in the mail, and I have no idea why.
  2. The only related web sites that I can find are in German or are reprints of salient portions of the book or both.
There is an "Ask MetaFilter" list-serv thing asking the Internet community-at-large if anyone has received this book, and why, but there isn't much out there. The main web-site is at www.proevo.ch (and you can apparently get it translated through Babelfish.altavista.com).

The back cover lists a number of endorsements; here are the names verbatim from the back of the book:
  • Prof. Dr. L.K., world-famous scientist
  • Dr. W.S., university professor
  • P.H. Chinese scientist
  • A large country's institution for press, books, films, television and radio
  • Dr. J.H., university professor
  • Dr. H.D.W., physics
  • Dr. B.M.S., university professor
The intials are not mine, that's what is actually printed on the back cover. The endorsement lines themselves are pure fluff such as, "The book is great," but the last one by BMS says, "I will give the book to my friends, enemies and politicians."

Which one am I?


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Anonymous said...

I too received this book mysteriously. Your description of it certainly doesn't fit mine though. I haven't been so fascinated by a book in many years. Have you really, really read it? It speaks the truth about our place in the universe and offers us an easy to follow guide for constant joy. This book has confirmed things I've always believed and I have never felt such peace. Thank you Tomotom and your Foundation.

kristin said...

I've received this book more than once. I'm still trying to figure out what cult it's from. http://fof.sportplanet.gamespy.com/forums/showthread.php?t=49519

Anonymous said...

hi. i got this effin' pro-evo book sent to me today too, shrinkwrapped and from hackensack, nj. it's freaking me out. why me? i'm so creeped out.

the good news is that you recieved this book months ago and didnt explode into a tiny million pieces so i feel it's now safe to assume that the book isn't going to eat my soul.

Anonymous said...

hi. i got this effin' pro-evo book sent to me today too, shrinkwrapped and from hackensack, nj. it's freaking me out. why me? i'm so creeped out.

the good news is that you recieved this book months ago and didnt explode into a tiny million pieces so i feel it's now safe to assume that the book isn't going to eat my soul.

Anonymous said...

were any of you in an anthropology class from columbus community college? I got the book and was wondering if it was from my professor.

Anonymous said...

I don't think I have any relationship to anyone in this posting and I also just received this "book." 10/13/2006 Friday the 13th. I assume the "Foundation" is trying to save all of us: one soul at a time.

Anonymous said...

Just got the book today as well...10-13-06. I wish I hadn't removed the shrink wrap. Its so hard to resist removing shrink wrap on anything. I had thought I would read it out of curiosity for all things weird, but I couldn't even make sense out of the babbling comments on the back. What kind of PR department from "a large country" doesn't even recognize itself? Maybe its from North Korea.

Anonymous said...

Just got the same odd book in the mail yesterday. I can't think of why I would receive such a thing! Actually, I think alot of people have received it just in the past few days.

There has to be some rhyme or reason to why certain people have received it...

Anonymous said...

Got mine today. Scanned it. It's sad that someone can say that life happened strictly by "chance" and yet it has a "purpose". That purpose would be to "evolve". Look to the Creator for peace, not a psuedo-scientist.

Anonymous said...

The rhyme and reason why we all got this is that someone got a hold of a mailing list, just as any mailhouse can provide, and sent it out. Sometimes people on street corners pass out Gideon Bibles, sometimes Jehovah Witnesses leave booklets in your door, this guy let the local NJ mailhouse do his dirty work. Don't freak out the next time Publishers Clearing house sends something to you...

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

Don't kill the messenger.......I received the book too.
I read it and found it very inspiring.
The story and intentions of the author is on the back of the first page of the book.
The book is the result of his search for the origin and meaning of existence. It is (in his conclusion) a simple and reliable guideline for human thought and action which is oriented on "evolutionary ethic"

For those who are open to contemplate the meaning of life, it is a good read.

Anonymous said...

Don't kill the messenger.......I received the book too.
I read it and found it very inspiring.
The story and intentions of the author is on the back of the first page of the book.
The book is the result of his search for the origin and meaning of existence. It is (in his conclusion) a simple and reliable guideline for human thought and action which is oriented on "evolutionary ethic"

For those who are open to contemplate the meaning of life, it is a good read.

Anonymous said...

I also received this book. It basically lumps together and poorly rehashes a lot of mystical, scientific, and religious ideas and presents them as a "new discovery" by an unnamed author. Although it provides a list of other books by this person, I can't seem to find any that list an actual name. I didn't read the whole thing, but the point of the book seems to be to burn the word pro-evo into the reader's head, as it appears approximately 4 times on every page of the book. Classic cult-style "revelations" from an anonymous genius. I would certainly like to find out who this guy really is, and which New Jersey garage he is operating out of. There is also no result on google or yahoo for any "foundation" related to anything called "pro-evo". The publishing house is also notoriously elusive, and doesn't seem to have ever published anything that is not by this "tomotom" person.

Anonymous said...

Today is May 6, 2007 and I believe I received this two days ago. I live in central PA. Anyone else get hit by this recently? I'm curious as to how I was picked for this.

Anonymous said...

Forests never fail to bring me joy. Mediation, cultivation of consciousness and real joy are all aspects of life which were discovered long before Tomotom Stiftung lived, and will pervade the universe long after his death. Why do the publishers kill trees to (poorly, and with extensive drivel) repeat the known and obvious? the loudest pracher is the newest convert they say. Stiftung is a poor writer, has poor faculty for reason, and while benign (in the sense that lump in ones throat can be benign) is nonethelss a perpetrator of drivel. And who are these mysterious nameless doctors from unidentified yet prestigiuous institutions???

Its more "Dioretix" if you ask me, and the author isn't as brave or fun as A. Rum Bubble...

Name that movie!

"I do my best thinking on the bus."

Anonymous said...

I just received the book today too. I'm in Southern California

Anonymous said...

19 May 2007
I just got this book and as a Physics graduate student, I can tell you that most of the "science" in here is bunk. Though some ideas about fusion and other fundamental concepts of the early universe are vague but true (as true as one sentence summarizing my entire field of study can be), the author (Tomotom as far as I can tell) uses vague, poorly or undefined terms to try to pass half baked questions as hard science. I'm about 30 pages in and his argument seems logically flawed, and the author ("studied first agriculture and then economics" Pro-Evo p.2) is clearly not a scientist of any kind, let alone an astronomer, physicist, bio-chemist, or anyone well versed in the origin of the world we live in.

If you want an interesting theological idea rooted in physics, look up the Anthropic Principle.

...What ever happened to getting stoned and finding perfection in a leaf?

(B.J.K., MS, physics)

Anonymous said...

Great book! Someone, "Tomotom" is willing to give of their own funds to share something they believe in and has allowed them to make sense out of existence. It is well written and actually correlates strongly with what I believe. The material also makes more sense then the majority of faith based religious material out there. I have a heavy science background so digestion of the material presented may be a lot easier for me than for some. This is by no means to be taken as arrogance, I just have encountered the terms more often. If you choose to close off your mind and believe what someone else tells you on how to eat, interact, and exist then don't read the book. If you enjoy challenging your thoughts on a continual basis then the best thing to do is READ, READ, READ! Not just this book but all books. For those that get so agressive about getting a free piece of mail, chill out! It's better than the majority of garbage advertisements you normally get.

Anonymous said...

I just received this book a few days ago. I thought it was odd but amusing. I haven't even started reading it yet. The posts on here, however, are seriously cracking me up! You people are really funny. Though I too would prefer that this book be made from hemp or recycled plastics or something other than virgin paper, I am definitely not going to get bent out of shape about someone taking the time and money to write and share their ideas with me. It's up to me whether I read, comprehend and believe any information this book contains. It also happens to be my birthday. I love random anonymous presents :-)

ccr213 said...

i just read this book over the weekend... i received it about 2 years ago or more but never bothered to read it... ok, so as i began to read it, i was immediately reminded of another book i just recently read "The Secret". They're both trying to covey the same basic, simple message (ok, maybe not so "simple" as written in Pro-Evo, but at least this book is being distribute for free where as The Secret is trying to pillage you with a book AND a movie, SHEESH!) but it's also the same message that has been toted over and over and over, by hundreds of different groups and religions for all of time... keep your thoughts and actions in positive, righteous, and in harmony with all of humankind and nature and you will find true happiness. and in both of these books, they refer back to many others that have tried to convey this message to the masses... you don't have to send anyone money, you don't have to give up any of your convictions, you don't have to join any group or religious sect of cult... but take it for what it is and, seriously, try and implement some of those thought processes in your daily life... you might just be surprised to see that it does work!

Anonymous said...

I would just like to know how I got on the mailing list and if there is some common thread among everyone who recieved it.

Anonymous said...

August 15, 2007
Hello from Oregon. For many years I've wondered about this book and its author. I received my copy about four years ago or so while attending college--a 50-something returning student. I admit to being seduced by its presentation: Anonymous packaging, no donation or membership solicitation, in fact, no way to make contact with its originator at all. Odd. Very odd and for those reasons, all the more compelling. A gift without strings attached? So what is the common denominator between those of us who have received copies? Are we all on a specific mailing list? Could names be selected randomly by zip code? Is there some intentionality to the selection process?
I thought my copy came to me because of an innate desire to live life as a spiritually conscious being (without any particular religious/church affiliation)and that my name must have been picked up from some list showing that I had purchased books of this type in the past. Anyway, the desire "to know" has prompted me to read far and wide and study the great mystics. Tomotom, (whoever you were) has written a very profound and elegantly simple discourse for living in the world as a spiritually conscious being. There is much beautiful truth in Tomotom's writings, and each of us can discover it for ourselves by putting into practice the principles expressed. It's that simple. Oh, a Google search revealed that Tomotom or Tomo Om was Josef Haid (1911-2001, a German who has authored Zeitalter der Freude : Denken und Handeln im Einklang mit der Evolution, also Lebensrichtig : neue Weltsicht Ethik der Zukunft Leben in Freude, and Das Richtmass für ein optimales Leben. All can be found at www.worldcatlibraries.org

Anonymous said...

I rec'd my book in early 2006 and wondered where it came from...thinking I do not teach biology, should give it to one I know. Recently I picked it up and found that it delivers a message that is congruent with what I have learned over a lifetime of 59 years. The universe flows through us as energy and is MEANT TO FLOW THROUGH us. We must not hold on to anything, bad feelings or objects or money but be ready to give them up as there are more and greater things to follow for one who does not hoard but shares unselfishly and unconditionally. I have always held one hand palm up to recieve and placed the other 180 degrees opposite palm down to let go and I have always had ALL that I need and then some. Even little bumps in the road are simply reminders to "LET GO" as this is all a lesson in being able to give as one recieves and more. The energy MUST flow as that is the nature of energy. Without a gradient ALL that we know STOPS. So let it flow!

Anonymous said...

I've received my copy of the book so far. I'm not part of any science thing at all. I just work at a circuit city in upstate new york. Not much happens around here. There are a few reasons why i think i've gotten my copy but nothing that i can prove. I started to read it.... i'll post after i'm done i suppose.


Anonymous said...

I Just recieved this book in the mail day (01-17-08). I live in eastern N.C. so from what I have read above it has been spread out all over the country. What i thought to be so weird was the lack of a return address, sunscription, or anything. I have visited some websites not too long ago about subjects similar to what is discussed in this mysterious book but I know I haven't signed up or gave my e-mail address/physichal address to any sort of odd website/place that a book like this would come from. As far as random addresses it showed my name, and the address that I am at is under a different persons name? Cancels that idea out.

Anonymous said...

I Just recieved this book in the mail day (01-17-08). I live in eastern N.C. so from what I have read above it has been spread out all over the country. What i thought to be so weird was the lack of a return address, sunscription, or anything. I have visited some websites not too long ago about subjects similar to what is discussed in this mysterious book but I know I haven't signed up or gave my e-mail address/physichal address to any sort of odd website/place that a book like this would come from. As far as random addresses it showed my name, and the address that I am at is under a different persons name? Cancels that idea out.

Anonymous said...

Just received this book today. Live in NYC. What the hell?!?!?

Anonymous said...

I also live in eastern NC and received this book today. Same story as everyone else...no return address, nothing included other than a note stating it was from 'the foundation'...whatever that means. I don't research other religions or anything like that. It's a little disturbing, I'll be honest...but I haven't read it and really don't intend to. I have my beliefs, and am happy and satisfied in them, and therefore have no need to look elsewhere. Just wanted to share that I too have received this bizarre little mailing...

Andrew said...

i recieved this book today too, have no idea why. i live in upstate new york.

Anonymous said...

I just recieved this book today and read the first chapter, I laughed so hard I threw it in the trash can. Here is another important question, the author was susposedly born like 1901 in germany...do you really want to believe a book written by somone who live during the hitler era in a country that believed his lies....not me.

St. Remy said...

Today is Friday, January 18, 2008 and I too have received this hum... unique book "Pro Evo: Pro Evolution- Guideline for an Age of Joy", via the USPS sans any solicitation for it. I am located in the Piedmont area of North Carolina. Just a bit curious.

Anonymous said...

This is crazy. I too live in Eastern NC, and received this book yesterday. How they got my name/address is unknown to me. In my opinion (and I'm entitled to it) it's a load of crap. It appears to be the "kinder, gentler" way of attempting to "ride the fence" between religion and evolutionism. Sorry folks, can't do it. Don't waste your valuable time spending more than 2 minutes on it. What angers me most is the fact that whoever wrote and published the book doesn't even have the decency to ACCURATELY portray who "they" are. And to send an English translation of the book with a website that is in German with no real way to directly respond to the senders of the "publication" is garbage. It amazes me that people will go to great lengths to spread trash like this (with money gotten from who-knows-where); -probably from American taxes-to further "muddy the waters" of human thought so that in a few short years black is white and white is black. If you listen and read about "shades of grey" for too long, pretty soon it really doesn't matter what you believe. Wake up people. Granted, the written word is MUCH more powerful than the spoken word, but everything that is written is not necessarily true. Where is the documentation/proof that backs up this publication? You can't even verify the information!!
Guess where my copy went?
Get back to the Bible!

Anonymous said...

My son who is a High School senior received a copy of the book today. Same as the rest, most of the info is elusive. Can't find much on the web, quotes on the back are either made up or the person being quoted doesn't want to be identified. Wonder why? January 19, 2008 - West Central Illinois

Anonymous said...

Just got the book today...north central N.C. Still like WTF?

Anonymous said...

1/19/08 - Received a copy in the mail. I'm about 20 minutes outside of NYC.

Anonymous said...

yeah, i got this book today(1-19-08) central NC. very weird. maybe i'll read it. its from Hackensack NJ.

Anonymous said...

I just received the book today, also. My theory is that Hay House, Ester & Jerry Hicks / Abraham, or The Secret websites sold my mailing address to who ever sent this book. It seems to be along the same lines as far as content goes.

Anonymous said...

I live in Buffalo, NY and I just received the book in the mail today (1-19-08) I think it is strange that it was send to me. I tried to research the author and couldn't find anything. I noticed that the back of the book only as initials of people who read it.

Anonymous said...

I just received this book. I'm a Christian and believe that God had the hand in creation. This book is strange!!! Pro Evo- Pro Evolution. God created Adam and Eve in the Garden and thats the seed of our existence. And God can led us through the reading of the Bible to pure joy and happiness.

Anonymous said...

I'm a college freshman. I received the book today.(01-20-08) I live in GREENVILLE, NC. It was very weird and mysterious. Someone has to do a research of why we are gettin this book.

Anonymous said...

Just got this book in the mail today and thought I would join in and see if we can figure out why? Now I was on a mailing list for money making opportunities but since I moved almost two years ago I haven't received anything of that sort. The book seemed so suspicious that I skimmed over it and after noticing the dismissal of God decided not to waste my time. Another site said that this is targeted toward women...is that true? Female/Eastern N.C.

Anonymous said...

I got this book as well (1-18-07) in Eastern NC. Maybe it gets sent to certain regions to college students?

Anonymous said...

My daughter just received this book in the mail yesterday
(01/20/08) and we live in New York. It really freaked her out, so I did a quick speed read of it. I am now investigating the publisher of the book because, as you have all also noted, there are no real names, came shrink wrapped with no return address, and no one is asking for money. Weird. However, it does go along with an email I was recently sent regarding a YouTube feature on "New World Order". You should seriously view some of those videos which are based on 'detective work' facts and not just what the media tells you....and then re-read this book and seriously consider the fact that someone out there is trying to brain wash you. I am all for eternal and inner happiness and world peace, but this book also tells you that you should invest in government actions (p.119-120) and even more unbelievable is pages 54-55 which tells you to disobey your parents if they think differently than you and to fear your neighbors. I know that they make it sound a little bit rational, but we all fear our neighbors already - and yet we need them. We all disobey our parents at times, and yet they really do have things to teach us, if even through their own bad behavior to better ourselves.
I urge every single one of you who is receiving this book to view the YouTube videos first. Be aware of what is happening to you in this time of life....

Aloysius Bosch said...

Wow; two years, and this thread is still going strong. In fact, when you Google "pro evo tomotom," this is the first site that pops up, which is how, I suppose, many of you got here. Looking back at all of the posts, it seems like it goes out in waves to a particular state(s). It looks like New York and North Carolina are currently up, if the posts mean anything. This is amusing, if nothing else. Still wish I could find my copy (or get it back from my student, whichever) so that I could re-read this. Please, gentle readers, post on!

tommyg4uk said...

I received this book on the 18th as well. I too am a college student in the Piedmont region of NC. I also formally went to school in Eastern NC. Very odd. I wonder if all of us NC folk have something in common for us to all receive this book on the same day?

Anonymous said...

I just received the "mystery" book. Still have no idea why, even after reading all of these comments. Anyone figure out who it is from or why I received it?

Anonymous said...

I received the book last week. I am enthralled by it. Simplistic but to the point of the hodge-podge of my own belief system. Such a mystery! I would love to know how the people that received it were chosen. As far as the religious faction that thinks this is some form of brain-washing, what do you think your book is? I am interested in all forms of educating myself. Seems there are some good ideas in this writing and a mystery to go with it.

Anonymous said...

Ok I'm in Chicago,IL just got the book and it 01/22/08. Just puttinf my post on here so it can be kept up with as to where exactly it's going? Not scared of it at all i'm going to read it and overall keep in mind that I believe in my true creator.

Anonymous said...

Jan 22, 2008
Just got one here as well. I live about 20 minutes (traffic permitting) NW of Chicago.

Anonymous said...

Another from central NC. Disturbingly, this came addressed to my nickname and not my given name. I'm going to have to assume UNC decided they could sell my information.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone here watch LOST, and if so, belong to a message board for the show?

It almost strikes me as something they would send out.


Anonymous said...

well, I am not a college student and I too received this book. I do live in NC though. I was also puzzled by the fact that it does not outwardly promote a religion or ask for a donation. Guess maybe I'll read it.

Anonymous said...

1/23/08 - I got this book too, am not a student and live in Washington, DC. Sounds like it's traveling down the east coast. I have zero idea how in the world I got on the mailing list and in fact have only been at this address for 4 months (unlike the bulk of my mail, it wasn't forwarded from some old address). Also I don't fit the suggestions of earlier readers for website membership, etc. Fascinating!

I hope the string keeps going and we can find out a common denominator...

Anonymous said...

Santa Monica, California. January 26, 2008. I received this book in the mail by mistake. The address on the book is not mine but an address a few streets over. Is there some cosmological reason I received it by mistake? Did the universe know the book was really intended for me and caused the mailman to accidentally leave it here?

I am in a state of dilemma over whether to open the package and read the book or deliver the book to the address on the label. I have been doing much thinking about the purpose of life recently, so I could be easily convinced the book was redirected my way by the cosmos. And yet if I keep the book, would that not be stealing (and a felony crime)? Oh what to do, what to do?

Anonymous said...

Just received this book in the mail today (1-28-2008). I can't figure out where it came from. I am a college student in Eastern North Carolina. I must be on a mailing list somewhere. The only new subscription to anything I have is Organic Gradening. Does anyone else subscribe to this magazine?

Anonymous said...

I'm in Los Angeles. I got this ridiculous book in the mail on 1/26/08. Sorry to say I have no idea why and I found this blog trying to figure out why. I have M.A. in German history and it is total crap in my opinion. I thought maybe my old Scientologist landlady sent it on, but as I flipped through the book, I realized even she's not that crazy.

Anonymous said...

My son recieved this book about two weeks ago, I have been reading it off and on. I knda read it from the middle , then went back and read from the front. It's not exactly from the Bible nor meant to be, but the message I got from it is to have more peace and Joy in our lives. Heck Stress is killing us every day , more than we realize and presciptions of antidrepressants are being doled our like candy. It's like we have so many problems that we cannot figure it al out and just become overwhelmed and NEED medication. Having gone thru a bunch of stuff myself I have found that medications can help but in the end you are going to have to deal with your problems. Maybe if I had tried to let go of some of the junk in my likfe I would not have found myself in such dire straits, and if I had a will or a understanding before that if I could put more joy in my life the other junk would not have made me so miserable. I really did not mean to make such a statement here but after reading this book maybe it has some good points,we are just traveling thru life to an end we all will someday see. Try and have a life of Joy and happiness . It is a EFFORT that might be worth it. I'll let you know. thanks

Anonymous said...

Just received the book today in southern california (1/29/01). I'm pretty sure they randomly mail it out from some list because they spelled my last name wrong, as do some other spam mailers. For sure I didn't sign up for this thing. Whoever sent it must have money to waste. SERIOUSLY, donate it to do some real good instead of sending out some anti-biblical book that your ashamed to put your real name on.

Anonymous said...

I'm a grad student in Syracuse NY, and I received the book at some time late January '08 (it was forwarded from an address I used last year). I agree with the idea that it's being sent in waves to addresses bought off of whomever, and financed with crazy donor money. Who knows, it might be used as a tax shelter in Germany or Switzerland.

It's too bad, too. I could've used some truly intriguing literature.

Regardless of the book's logical or scientific basis, I don't see any harm in someone using what it has to say to better him- or herself. Compare this to Joel Osteen's latest billion-dollar use of the positive-thought = positive life trope; at least ol' Tomotom isn't charging you.

Anyhoo, the neatest side-effect of me receiving this book has been sating my curiosity about its origins. Anyone remember that old video game called "Majestic?" This would be a tremendous way to get people to go down the rabbit-hole.

Anonymous said...

I live in new york and I received this book in late January 08 too. I was really creeped out by it bc i live with 5 other people and the book came addressed to me to my nickname Beth. Usually everything I get in the mail comes to Elizabeth and if the solicitor ever tries to make it personal they will shorten Elizabeth to Liz. So I read it and then went to the internet to see what else I could find.

I thought the same thing about how it kind reminded me of LOST and the dharma initiative. I was like is JJ Abrams sending me books?

If he can take out poster boards in Sydney Australia for a fake airline company and have a real call in number for victims of flight 815 what would stop him from mass book mailings? But unlike the person who posted of LOST above I am not on any message boards for the show or anything related to it.

I would love to know the criteria for who they choose to send this too or if its random

Anonymous said...

2/20/08 and I got my copy.

Have we nailed down the culprit yet?

Anonymous said...


The cult is "CareFree Universe" and this seems to be tied to a "Grand Cathedral-Building Project."

If anyone gets more information (like where they're funded from, though the pub information is useless, no copyright info and it's printed in Germany), I'd be curious...

Anonymous said...

I stopped by my parent's house and found this book addressed to me. Very weird due to the clandestine nature of the publisher and mailer. It appears that I received it around the end of January.

IMPORTANT TO NEW POSTERS: Everyone needs to rally together and provide some basic information in your posts so that we can make a concerted attempt to determine how or why we were selected to be mailed this drivel. Simply posting "Hey WTF is this?" isn't going to help us get any closer to the answers we are looking for (this book won't help you find any answers either). My information will be at the bottom of my post.

Be warned people, cults and books like these base their arguments on very simple logic in order to appeal to a variety of dispositions people have in order to gain their trust. They are akin to the people who claim to be psychics and use inference to get people to believe that they are actually reading their mind and understanding them. It is very dangerous and subversive. Keep a VERY critical mind if you are to read something like this, or any other politically or philosophically charged text for that matter. While the logic seems correct in these books, upon closer scrutination, all of the arguments presented in these texts result in contradictions. These people essentially apply a blanket solution (or "Final Solution" as I would prefer to say) to a very complicated issue/problem. If you are strong of mind and are not susceptible to suggestion, read the book for a good laugh and then use it as a doorstop or whatever.

-Older returning college student (28)
-Had a Poli Sci professor who is very liberal, possibly a communist. Volunteered to help his congressional campaign before realizing how loony he was.
-There is a Scientologist living down the street from my parents.
-Participate in several online communities, but only one, SecondLife (a 3D creative environment) has my private information.
-I am critical and very speculative of everything.
-social democrat, economically conservative
-I believe religion and faith are important, but not entirely convinced of any one in particular.

Anyone else get the book? Please share some info so we can get to the bottom of this mystery!

Unknown said...

How did you find that answer? I got my boko in the mail in mid Januray. I live in Orange County, Ca. To be honest I disregarded it. Until last night I was visiting with my friend and her sister had a copy of the book sitting on their kitchen table. She had just gotten it in the mail yesterday. It piqued my interest. Now that I can't find anything but posts like this online it's starting to worry me. Anybody have any idea where I can find more information on this? If my friends are going to start getting it, I'd like to be more informed. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

i agree with the post about adding more basic information
I am 25
college graduate (history/poly sci)
worked at a Liberal political consulting firm (though i myself am not)
Went to a Jesuit University

Anonymous said...

I got a copy last year.

23-year-old college senior in paleontology.

ende said...

I believe this group is a subset of either the Illuminati or the Discordians, possibly both.

Anonymous said...

19, from northern Minnesota. Just today started my second year in college. I recieved the same book. August 25th, 2008. No other address of any kind. I'm not part of any organization, not even online. I'm not subscribed to any magazines and I do not own a credit or debit card. I'm not on any mailing list of any kind either. Maybe this will help?

Anonymous said...

August 25, 2008
I just received this book in the mail today and i live in Texas. Obviously it has been sent out numerous amounts of times. I can't seem to find anything about it. It freaked me out because it had no return address or name on it. Thank goodness I found these post so at least I know I'm not the only one. Could it be possible that someone has hacked our computers?

Anonymous said...

Just got the book 8/08, Texas. You would have to be an idiot to read this drivel. Read the Bible.

Anonymous said...

19 year old biology major from Victoria, Texas

Anonymous said...

Ok so I recieved this book in the mail 8/25/08 an I live in Houston, TX. Im a 19 year old college student and my mailing information isnt widely availible. I never get mail and all the sudden this book pops up. I dont know anyone else around the area that has recieved it. I have been very critical of it since im not sure of its motives. At first glance I thought it was some crazy cult or something, but reading a little into the book I realize it doesnt quite force any crazy beliefs or ideals as such major cults as Scientology. Why would they go through the time and money to send these things out? what do they get from it? The only thing I could think of that links me to this type of book is that I am an active member of Anonymous, which is why I thought it may be Scientology propaganda, however I remain completely anonymous while in the group (obviously). I will do some more research and post any findings to this blog.

Anonymous said...

8/26/08 Austin, Texas
21 y/o English Lit major, just started at a catholic university.
Kinda creeped out. the posts above me have been from texas as well...

Anonymous said...

i came home from night school today and i also found "PRO EVO" on my kitchen counter that was received in the mail today (AUG 28 2008) i live in houston texas and also attend college. im 21 yrs old. reading these comments it seems like they're targeting the young college crowd by trying to spread this JUNK! i really want to find the address or p o box of these people so i can too send them a annonymous book. but my package will be a BIBLE. if you took the time to read this please don't listen to these lies. we did not evolve from anything. God created us in His image and Jesus Christ is Lord. you can say im crazy but research it. even if you dont velieve it, just reasearch it. try to prove it wrong. you will not succeed. it makes me so mad that these people are trying to convince especially the younger generation of this evolution junk ! DONT FALL FOR IT ! if you have no faith and believe we came out of the big bang and this whole world evolved from nothing, well then that actually takes more faith to believe in that then it does to believe that there IS a creator. please look into it. get SAVED.

Anonymous said...

I recieved the book today. 8/26/08. I live in DALLAS,TX. I am really weirded out to. I dont have any info, but I dont want to read it!

Anonymous said...

I have too received this piece of literature, date: 8/26/08 Location: Texas. I have noticed a trend of location and dates, lately it has been Texas. On earlier posts it was California. Here is some information on me

19 yr old
2nd year in college
not active member on any church
Have NOT taken any kind of psychology/theology/sociology class EVER
Just started the semester this Monday 8/25/08
No return address on my copy as well.

anyone else have anymore information we would be happy to know. thank you all

Anonymous said...

I received the book today 8-26-08. I read all these comments, and it seems like it was sent out state by state, a lot of people living in an area all received the book around the same time, and i'm noticing now that it's circulating through texas.
I'm 19, live in houston tx, college student, liberal.
I don't know what the connection is. and i couldn't really find much of anything on the book. except for the website which is in German. I've seen in translated, and it didn't really make any sense....so idk.

Anonymous said...

8/26/08... I received aforementioned book in the mail today. I'm also a Northern Minnesota college student. Normally, I wouldn't be so skeptical as to be afraid to read free material, but recently I've also had a kielbasa (yes, a sausage) laid in front of my door and an old recliner placed in my parking space. Therefore, I'm experiencing a heightened level of suspicion. I don't know whether to laugh or shudder. For now... the book can serve as a coaster.

Anonymous said...

Live in Lakeway Texas (Austin area) and received the book 8/26/08 I found myself wondering if it was something Rove was sending out to get the religious right up in arms about evoluation versus creation theories. It had no return address which I'm not sure how they can send it bulk mail without some form of return address. If that isn't a law it should be one. It was weird that I got it. None of my neighbors that I know of have gotten it. I have no intentions of reading it. I select the books I want to read. I don't like having them thrust upon me. How much money does this foundation have and why are they allowed to send books without a charge? Churches have to pay for sending out newsletters, university have to pay to send out information, buy wouldn't this group have to have some bulk mail indicator in order to send it out? There is definitely something fishy here. The timing is intersting too. 72, 2006 and 2008....election years. Just something to think about. I'm writing to my postmaster and asking for an explanation.

Anonymous said...

Sophmore at Notre dame, Eco, Chem, and bio major and i jsut got this book 8-27-08. I thought maybe it would have come from a prof being some theo book. But it is way out there. Idk where they would have got my name or anything. weird shit. Anyone figure out anything about this.

Pear said...

I received this book today it's pretty random. Of course the first thing I did was open it, and after that I decided to do some web research. I'm really wondering how I was selected to be sent this book, I'm probably going to end up reading it, it doesn't hurt to do a little light reading, right?

Anonymous said...

My daughter who is a college freshman in Texas received her copy today. Seems the "mystery" about it has the purpose of making people curious. If someone wanted to have serious dialog they would not hide. I think this is a lot of nonsense and not even logical. -Texas mom

Anonymous said...

I received the same book today addressed to my daughter, a college senior, but sent to my home instead of her college address. Whoever sent it has access to the same mailing lists that credit card companies do, because unsolicited card applications are about all the mail I receive in her name. I am less than impressed with the book; if you can't sign your name to your work, I can't put too much stock in it. Southwest Texas, Aug. 27, 2008

Anonymous said...

I too live around the Austin area and got my copy yesterday. Pretty sure it's just from a mailing list. They don't CHOOSE you.

And all the people say it's a cult, I have to disagree.

Anonymous said...

My 2nd brother who just turned 18 got the same book in the mail. He said I should take a look at it.

Did anyone read the last page??? About "devices" and "artificial technology?"

1. The book does have a good message.
2. It fails to mention God.
Things don't create themselves.
3. This may be another ploy of the Devil. Why wouldn't the Devil wear sheep's skin and be all for humanitarian causes and such?
4. This whole being a cell in the universe is a ploy. The author is trying to get people to want to be one mind, etc... to get people to want to accept devices like microchips into our bodies... even if it's to cheat death, etc.
5. Don't accept anything from this as truth. Humans lie. The praises on the back cover don't even have credible & locatable sources. I mean -- Prof. Dr. L.K., world-famous scientist -- but we learn in English class to cite our sources so our peers can check things out for themselves. How many world famous authors are there?
6. Notice his 'last name' - Stiftung.
"Stiff tongue
A stiff tongue indicates either severe blood stasis or internal wind. As the tongue is also purple, in this case it is most likely that it indicates blood stasis. Point tw5 relieves exterior muscles, facilitates circulation of stagnant qi in the specific channels and proves to be a very strong distal point for curing stiff tongue. (http://health.indianetzone.com/acupressure/1/lockjaw_stiff%20tongue.htm)"
7. As I read on the Web - it's Tomot Om, not Tomotom.
8. I read that Tomotom is actually Joseph Haid, a man who died in 2001. I found this info: "I read up a bit on the author Joseph Haid (1911 - 2001). There is not much to find, but he is listed on a German sect-information site. It seems like the publishing "Tomotom Stiftung" derives its name from Tomot Om, a 'principle' or 'ideology' that Haid developed based on evolutionary principles. His main focus is on cosmic evolution from which he derived ruling patterns (ger.: Regelstrukturen) for human thinking and acting. Somehow the books of Haid (there are some others besides "Pro Evo" namely Lebensrichtig, On the Side of Life and Age of Joy) are placed in the esoteric scene (not having read them, i can not say if that is justified). Since Haid's death in 2001 a Swiss consortium (the "Tomotom Stiftung") translates the books and sends them to doctors, schools and other institutions in an effort to make the teachings of Haid known. To date without much success, it seems. The teachings could be summarized as "Evolutionary Ethics". Maybe we are observers of the dawn of a new Religion here?" (http://www.atheistthinktank.net/thinktank/index.php?topic=4584.0)
9. (http://www.religio.de/okk/haid.html) - In German, translated by translate.ru:
"Joseph Haid and Tomot Om

Joseph Haid was born in 1911 in Austria and had created an esoteric private ideology which he called Tomot Om or T.Om. According to selfstatement in the magazine Life-properly he was to rural origin, studied in Vienna first agriculture, then economics. He was active professionally as an economic adviser and enterpriser.

He laid down his apprenticeships in the book age of the joy. It is still available and is expelled primarily about the Eso scene. In the sect scene Tomot Om plays no role in Germany.

Indeed, The book "per Evo plays since some time. Pro-evolution - Richtmass of the future" over and over again with inquiries a role. Apparently thus it has been delivered in Germany by the endowment Tomotom for medical practises free of charge. My professional colleague, Pfr. Alfred Singer from Wurzburg writes moreover the following:
After my list inquiry from the 19.2.2003 I received some tips (many thanks!) which have enabled to me to investigate further. Because the new book "per Evo. Pro-evolution - Richtmass of the future" maybe also to other schools and facilities was sent, into the bargain some information. Already present infos:

The contents of the new book (appeared in 2000) "the age of the joy" is taken from the former work which is not put on in future any more. In the book itself one says in addition: "The author (1911) studied agricultures and economics. As an economic adviser and enterpriser he was successful. In search of origin and sense of the existence he discovered in the fifties among other things a new, easy and sure Richtmaß for the human thinking and action. This Richtmaß orientates itself by the cosmic development. (It is called, in the meantime, by scientists also "evolutionary ethics".) The author published his discovery since 1971 - partially under his pseudonym - among other things in the books Life-properly, On the Side of Life, Age of Joy, and the former editions of "age of the joy".

Preface: "This book starts drawing a new picture of the world and from the life. And it reports about a new Richtmaß for the human thinking and action which will have validity probably in all future. At many examples from all areas of the existence it is shown that a thinking and action allows the optimum creation of our personal and social life after the new Richtmaß."

Haid develops his own view of the evolution which he sees - like generally all events, also the human action - by so-called "control structures" steered. Because Haid was born in 1911 and the new book was published by a "Tomotom of endowment", the question positions itself whether Haid itself lives generally still. Obviously the called endowment of his publications has taken care and tries to bring them again anew in the conversation. Who stands, however, behind this endowment and behind the Asama-Verlag1, I could not bring in experience.

"Notarially the accredited statements to the book contents" which are printed on the rear external envelope side speak for themselves: "... an incomparable signpost" (Prof. DDr. L.K. World-renowned scientist) "What the author has recognised, has the character of a physical law" (Dr. W.S., Univ. Prof.) "The principle which should lead the human thinking and action is persuasive" (P.H., Chinese scientist) "The author should spread the book everywhere like to many people would be helped with it" (institution of a big state for press, book, film, television, radio) "The book is great" (Dr. J.H., Univ. Prof.) "for the human renewal process the book might work like a catalyst" (Dr. Ing. H.D.W., dipl. physicist) "I will give the book to my friends, enemies and politicians" (Dr. B.M.S., Univ. Prof.).

A lasting impression seem the present publications and actions, however, still do not leave to have.

Pfr. Alfred Singer
Seminar paper for world view questions, religious questions and sect questions
Ottostrasse 1 (Kilianeum)
97070 Wurzburg

* Asama
an Asama publishing company could not be proved in the publishing company list for Germany, Austria and Switzerland, issue in 2003/2004. To me only one Asama AG is known. Because the publications of the Asama AG are expelled without ISBN, it concerns the grey literature which is probably delivered only in the direct distribution. About book trade the books are not to be covered.

Om, Tomot:
Age of the joy.
Asama, Chur; in 1974, 152 S., paperback 8 DM"
10. It might make for a good read, but if you have your own religion, stick with it. Don't make this person's book your 'bible'. If you are going to read it, read it like an Anne Rice book or something. (Usually, I'd capitalize that - but I don't want to compare the two.) - Kim

Anonymous said...

08-27-08 Dallas, TX. I moved out of my parents house about 5 months ago. I don't visit their house that often. The thing that freaked me out the most was that the day i visited my parents i got this book in the mail...

I'm 19yrs and currently attending college

Anonymous said...

19 yr old undergrad from Houston TX. Received it on 8-27-08. I am not associated or affiliated with any church or group. There is definitely something fishy going on with this cuz it does seem to be targeted to the young college students....and lol at one of the comments above me regarding the sausage ;D

Anonymous said...

I too just received "the book" in the mail yesterday (Houston Texas) I recently finished my Associates degree at a local Community College and do not have any particular religoius affiliation, although i am a believer in God. I have no intentions of reading it, matter of fact, after reading this site, it will go straight to the trash this afternoon when i get home. I believe the target is college age adults. How coward of them to be anonymous..which is a dead give-away that it must be a load of crap! I hope this blog continues, so we can track this plague!

Anonymous said...

I just read an earlier post stating that the cult name was "Care Free Universe" and it is tied to "Grand Cathedral Building Project" so i "googled" them, this Tomotom guy's name is all over it!

Anonymous said...

I just got my copy of this book today (Colombus Ohio) and the first thing I did after ripping open the shrink wrap was to google it. I'm a few pages in now and while it all seems like BS it doesn't seem to be engineered to get people to spend time or money in any fashion. For that reason, and that reason alone, this is now the religion/cult I hold in the highest regard. So while I'd advise people not to believe a word of the "science" in this book the overall message of "be a good person, do good things" doesn't seem at all harmful.

Anonymous said...

Today is 8-29-08. My name is Brandi and I'm a stay at home mom in Oklahoma. The book came in the mail three days ago, and so far I haven't found a neighbor who recieved it too. Before my husband could throw the book away without opening it, I took the shrink wrap off and looked at it. I immediately became very concerned.

I have been studying a book lately called "..a thief in the night" which discusses the end of times and the 2nd resurrection. In the book it breaks down the book of Revelation and offers speculation on what the last book of the Bible is discribing.

Now here's where the worry comes in. The book of Revelation talks about Satans Kingdom coming up against Christs in the last days. Characterists of Satans kingdom include a belief that man is his own god and man alone decides for himself what is right or wrong, good or evil, and supports a humanist belief. Basically everything that Nazi Germany believed and forced on people. Now if you read much of this Pro Evo book you'll see the similarity.

Another interesting tidbit is that the author of the "..thief" book specualtes that the Kingdom that will come to power in the last days and support the idealogy of Satan could be none other than Germany. And he gives supporting reasons for his speculations.

The author of "..a thief" is Roger Young and anyone interested in this stuff should look him up. Reading his book helps paint a bigger picture of what this Pro Evo stuff is. It's not babel. More than likely this is the exact idealology that will run the world in the last days.

If you're asking yourself what the reason is for this book showing up in your mailbox, you may never know. But you can be sure that there is one. It wasn't just a coincidence.

Anonymous said...

My son is away at college and he received his copy in the mail today, Aug. 30, 2008. I thought maybe it had something to do with the Mormons since he is dating one. We live in the Dallas, TX area.

Anonymous said...

My daughter also received book 8/08. She is a recent High School graduate from Houston, Texas area and just enrolled in area community college. My son is also enrolled in same college and high school student, taking a duel credit course. He did not receive book. They are both participating in conformation classes through the Catholic church. I skimmed the book. It has some good basic beliefs to live by but I will stick with my religious beliefs. I feel it is targeting young impressionable people to bring them around (brain wash)to their way of thinking. Young people trying to become independent thinkers are usually easy targets. Cults usually prey on the young and weak.

This is our basis info. Would like to see what list they select to use to send the book.

Anonymous said...

just got the book too...houston tx community college student i am always looking up topics related to evolution, psych, etc. on the web and have taken sociology and philosophy however i don't have a major and i am not involved with any church. The reviews on here seem to be mixed, so if i can, i'll read it and take what i can out of it.

Anonymous said...

im in to crap like this but how the hell do people know cuz im not open about it and i havnt signed up for anything. weird.

anonymous2 said...

I live in rural east Texas and received this book yesterday. I am still trying to figure out by who and why.

Anonymous said...

I just received PROEVO yesterday in the mail. I am a 19 year old college student living in Houston, TX. What this looks like is some sort of New Age or Gnosticism. I hope I don't get this in the mail again.

Anonymous said...

08-31-08 28 years old.. college student. Involved in the government student organization on campus... It's gotta be a college mailing list of some sort... weird!

Anonymous said...

I recievied this book August 28th 2008. I flipped through it, as I am weary of ingesting just anything I come across- especially new age philosophies.

I am sincerely sorry for those misguided enough to find comfort in such a way of thinking. Making good choices and having good thoughts will not bring this result to you and a life of joy. Good people can make good choices and still suffer with a “joyless” life. To make it seem like a battle of good forces against “evil” might be a substantial note to make, but it’s not further elaborating on the external forces.

In general I found nothing profound or to my interest in the book. There is so much more to life than the ideas in this book. In my opinion, science is man’s attempt to explain works of God. Kudos to whomever for attempting to establish a moral code by shaky scientific reasoning, but it proves why such a thing is impossible to accomplish. It is only confusing people and diverting them from the truth.

To quote a revered theologian, “Seek truth wherever you find it”. The world is not subjective. And there is only confusion in this book.

I am also a college student, Houston area Texas. Christian, F, not a subscriber to anything I don't think. Most churches do not solicit their members' information. But I do by all sorts of used books through Amazon.com. Does anyone else do this? I was thinking maybe a seller on there is handing off customer names to the publisher of this book.

Anonymous said...

Throw this away and go read a Bible.

Anonymous said...

We recieved this book just this weekend. My husband and I are quite interested in what it is saying. I have found through life when you think negative, negative (bad) things do happen. When we or I think positive things happen that are good. I have lived long enough to know that this is true. I have friends that are completely about just themselves but they focus on the drama and bad that happens and it never stops through out thier life. But, if I stop myself when I start thinking negative I actually see the bad go away and good things come. The book makes sense on this. I believe the universe is together and that we are just a small spec of that universe. I believe we make our own changes through thought. It makes sense. I needed this book. It came in time. Given me a verification of mind and body and that we make our own existance as we live our lives.

Anonymous said...

I just got the book today in the mail. I was skeptical on why it was sent to me. It was creepy having no name or no clear author or where it came from. I've been searching on the internet about this book, whom else has received it and why. I have begun reading it and although it seems interesting, it is not, as of yet, something I would search out to read.

I am curently an athiest student at a local community college in central Texas working on my associates degree in philosophy.

Dick Duff said...

19 y.o 2nd year community college student from dayton, oh
received book today 09/02
im still in the process of reading and its somewhat profounding.. but i still wana know who is sending it. like im all for joy and peace and understanding of the universe but randomly sending out "groundbreaking" literature just creeps people out. fail.

Anonymous said...

I got this book years ago, easily eight or ten. I should say that it was sent to a family friend who then sent it to my dad but I was a nerdy middle school kid so I read it. It must have rewired me somehow because I am majoring in Genetic Engineering now. The book contains a lot of wrong or generally outdated science, but overall it has some good ideas to help nihilists like myself. If whoever is publishing it were to update it to follow current scientific theory it would be a good book. I keep it next to my Bible, Quran, and Steven Hawking books, so you could say that I consider it to be worth something.

Anonymous said...

I got the book in the mail today 9/04/08.

Apparently they are sending them to Hawaii now. I'm also a college student.

Anonymous said...

I received the book today, Sept 5, 2008 here in Hawaii. I'm a student fresh out of high school LOST AND CONFUSED on how to go about living life and why we live it. Can't wait to read it :)

Anonymous said...

I just got a copy of the book last week 9/3/08. I live in Spring TX (Houston Area). I am a 39 year old junior at UofH and just finished my A.A. at Lonestar Community College. My major is CIS and Finance. I am Catholic but do not belong to any church. The only online communities I belong to are professional orginizations Liek PMI, ITSMF or LindedIn. The book was sent to my PO box not my house and UofH only has my house address. It might have something to do with Lonestar though. It appears that many of us are first time or returning college student

Anonymous said...

I am guessing they are targeting college students because all of us seem to be college students of some sort. I am in houston tx and 19yrs old as well. I dont really want to read it because the back "quotes" arent even creditable people. I dont understand why someone would want to waste so much money sending books to a bunch of random people. Imma just give it to someone else.

Unknown said...

Another lucky recipient from Austin, Texas.Id like to find at why we were chosen. All comments are coming from intelligent open mindes people who must share somthing like a book read or a purshase we made. This is how information is bought and sold on the internet. Why spend this kind of money on this to us. Very strange. Should I feel special ot targeted?

Anonymous said...

I live in West Tennessee and received this book about a month ago. I can't remember if the address included my middle initial which I very rarely use. I am in my late 40s and just graduated this past May with a 2 year degree from a local community college. After reading all these comments I feel that it is using college student mailing lists (a way for the colleges to make some money in these economically depressed times). I've read about half of it as I only pick it up when I am need a diversion. After I started reading it I remembered one episode of Star Trek The Next Generation in which Captain Picard goes on a universal search for an ancient relic and in the end finds the "relic" that explains how humans were created or rather evolved. Come to think of it, the last episode was along these same lines. Maybe Gene Roddenbury got this book before he started Star Trek!

Anonymous said...

suburb north of Dallas, TX - 9/18/08 - a friend of mine received this book and brought it to my attention, of which I gave about 3 hours. [i read it too fast to absorb it fully]

First of all to those who would throw this book away or make a judgement about it without reading it -

everything is worth reading for the person with a critical mind. Even if you don't agree with it you could be missing something important! Just as how if the Germans in the 30's had read hitler's "mein kamf" before electing him, they would have known he was insane and not to be trusted!


with that said, I consider these possibilities:

1. it really is from a philanthropic organization trying to help people;

2. it is a social experiment or the real life equivalent of a viral;

3. it is from a cult;

4. it is from the government.


it just has that slimy, brainwashy quality about it - i will re-read it in the next few days so I can better add to the dialogue.

the book seems to be related in some way to this site: http://cfu.freehostia.com/

apparently it stands for carfree universe [sic].

responses to earlier posts:

"Maybe we are observers of the dawn of a new Religion here?"

I think, perhaps so. Beware of this.

"Now here's where the worry comes in. The book of Revelation talks about Satans Kingdom coming up against Christs in the last days. Characterists of Satans kingdom include a belief that man is his own god and man alone decides for himself what is right or wrong, good or evil, and supports a humanist belief. Basically everything that Nazi Germany believed and forced on people. Now if you read much of this Pro Evo book you'll see the similarity."

I believe that the book of revelation is a mission statement more than a prophecy ... and of course we all know that these are the last days of the piscean age.

the shadow government, which was behind the nazis (aka national socialists!) is now also in control over the US government. I reiterate, do your homework every one. We need to distill this book into an ideology and compare it to the past so that we know what we're dealing with here!

Do read this book, DO digest it and understand it, and DO make a critical judgement about its contents. And let us all hear your thoughts! I will be back with mine after a thorough re-read.


Anonymous said...

correction: it appears as though cfu is only related to pro evo in that pro evo was the partial inspiration for the document "Grand Cathedral-Building Project".

Anonymous said...

on the phrase "age of joy".

the following excerpt is from the book "isis unveiled" by h.p. blavatsky.

"Taken from: http://www.theosociety.org/pasadena/isis/iu2-06.htm


Even the four ages of the Hindu chronology contain a far more philosophical idea than appears on the surface. It defines them according to both the psychological or mental and the physical states of man during their period. Crita-yug, the golden age, the "age of joy[[my emphasis added - la11111]]," or spiritual innocence of man; Treta-yug, the age of silver, or that of fire -- the period of supremacy of man and of giants and of the sons of God; Dwapara-yug, the age of bronze -- a mixture already of purity and impurity (spirit and matter) the age of doubt; and at last our own, the Kali-yug, or age of iron, of darkness, misery, and sorrow. In this age, Vishnu had to incarnate himself in Christna, in order to save humanity from the goddess Kali, consort of Siva, the all-annihilating -- the goddess of death, destruction, and human misery. Kali is the best emblem to represent the "fall of man"; the falling of spirit into the degradation of matter, with all its terrific results. We have to rid ourselves of Kali before we can ever reach "Moksha," or Nirvana, the abode of blessed Peace and Spirit."


"a ten point summary of isis unveiled":

if you've read pro evo, this summary will ring a bell!

"Nature is triune"

1911: 1+9+1+1 -> 12; 1+2 -> 3
2001: 2+0+0+1 -> 3

Thus I nominate the theosophical society as a potential originating organization for this book.

Anonymous said...

I received the book yesterday,9/17/08 in Connecticut and do believe the list of address labels were purchsed and targeted to a specific type of consumer, age group, sex, religion, and educational background. I work at a Community College. If the book brings positive changes in some people's life it has served its purpose, but when people get confused and allow any type of media to "control" their lives, that is where the danger lies. I feel that the author must have left a large sum of money to continue the mass mailings of his beliefs after he has passed on. A little narcistic, don't you think. A means for his words to live forever, but the money will run out eventually and all the little blue books will be antiques for sale on EBAY.

Anonymous said...

I think that it is a trick from oparah to get in peoples heads so they will be anti God. Read your bible. The big bang theoty makes no since. Which one did we come from, energies or apes. Wake up this is a bunch of nonsense to get in your heads. College is where you find your purpose. They are trying to distort this critical time in your life. What would your grandparents say?

Anonymous said...

Its a joke

Anonymous said...

-received my copy in August 2008
-Austin, TX
-17 years old, graduate high school in May 2009
-12 hours of college credit from Austin Community College
-not a subscriber to anything
-evangelical Christian
-socially and economically conservative
-and for someone who asked earlier: yes, i buy off amazon.com frequently. i bought two josh mcdowell books about ten minutes ago. haha follow up reading this pro-evo book with mcdowell's New Evidence that Demands a Verdict. 800+ pages. Enjoy.

Anonymous said...

The thing that gets me about this book is that it makes me think that there is something more to it and im very curious as to what that is. why would a book go out to college educated people with reviews on the back like This book is great-Dr J.H. university professor. Why just not have reviews at all? They would have to know that each and every person that got the book would see right through those. and how they say you can join them but never say how. and do they read these posts and post as well..

Anonymous said...

Student at Austin Community College. same as above.

im a social and economic liberal
23 years old

after skimming through the book it appears the author/s are trying to bridge the gap between evolution and christianity.

Revel'd said...

i also live in upstate ny, outside buffalo, like several of the other posters. I'm a senior in HS and it is very strange that you mention Lost as a connection b/c not only have I registered on a forum site (though long after receiving the book) but I am watching it at the moment. The book does seem like a creation of Dr.Marvin Candle himself..or maybe Frank Lapidus (Buffalo actor) ha. I got it in the mail a while ago, thinking it a mass production of Scientology or some cult, but once I actually started reading it the more insightful it became. I am yet to finish but find it very eye opening and the a logical explanation of evolution. Though I am yet to condone it religiously perse, I think it is worth at least a once-over consideration if you have the opportunity..

Anonymous said...

I receive the book today - no clue why or from who. Maybe the universe sends it to those in need?! I've been having a terrible time lately with 'stuff', maybe this will help. The first page just completely sucked me in!

Anonymous said...

I received this book today (2.5.2009). I am a graduate student at The University of North Texas in Denton, TX.

Anonymous said...

I received this book in the mail today (3/6/09). I live in Cambridge, MA. I'm a professional man in my early 30s - haven't been a student for years but have a BA and an MBA.

I don't think I'm on many mailing lists. I don't get into religious stuff, don't post random comments around the Internet under my real name, have an unlisted phone number, and don't give many companies my address for privacy purposes (i.e. to avoid junk mail).

The creepy thing is I've been reading a lot of existentialism recently -- stuff like Sartre, Kierkegaard, and Camus. I bought these books from Amazon recently - over the last few weeks. Supposedly Amazon doesn't sell customer lists, and I'm not even sure if it's legal for them to sell personally identifiable customer info with the content of their purchases. But it's a strange coincidence...

Anonymous said...

I received this book today 3/6/2009...in Plano, TX. How on earth did they find out I lived here and get my name?

Anonymous said...

Got the book, unsolicited. Very strange. Live in Central North Carolina, 31 year old male, masters in computer engineering, registered independent, christian.

Paul Oliver said...

I just received this book in the mail (2009-03-07) in Omaha, NE. I'm a web developer here.

Watch out for astroturfing here. This book is terrible. I've read a good amount of it and found the reasoning so strained, so fruity, that I question your logical ability if you find it convincing.

Anonymous said...

I got the book 3/6/09. I read it in 15 minutes. (yes, i can read that fast). Extremely simplistic rehashing of age old ideas-reminds me of a really dummified version of the Good News for the Modern Man--an attempt to dumb down religious philosphy to valley girl level-except valley girls are more with it than this book. Who is paying to ship it? Could be fun tracking this down! anyone game?

Anonymous said...

Got the book, skimmed it, looks harmless, researched it, found this website (1st in Google!) and then found this info which I didn't see posted here yet. It sort of baffles me that noone else has done this research yet.

1. You can also order this book for 11 EUROS. www.proevo.ch

2. The domain proevo.ch is registered to a guy named Stefan Bühler. His picture, telephone number and email address are here:

3. The MX record (email) for the proevo domain points to mail2.casanova.ch which is the domain of the Casanova publishing house. Thus proevo.ch = casanova.ch

4. Interesting fun fact: the domain name servers info says this: "You must be joking" "You must be joking"

(for those not in the know, typical info is this example for microsoft.com: No version info available (CHAOS not implemented).)

5. Some guy made a Youtube video on it and dispenses some more wisdom.

Anonymous said...

I received the book today. I am also a graduate student at the university of north texas.....

Anonymous said...

Received the book today 3/9/09.
I recently ordered books from Amazon. Maybe that's how they got my name?
I'm 44 years old. Last attended graduate school in 2001.
Married with a 2 1/2 year old son.
Live in Apex, NC.
Work at an investment firm in Research Triangle Park.

Anonymous said...

Received this junk mail today (3/9/09 Arizona). Whatever this is, it prays on the weak and uneducated. As an atheist I can't understand how humans can subscribe to such nonsense. Most of all I'm upset at the waste of natural resources that went into creating and sending this book all over the county.

Anonymous said...

Received this junk mail today (3/9/09 Arizona). Whatever this is, it prays on the weak and uneducated. As an atheist I can't understand how humans can subscribe to such nonsense. Most of all I'm upset at the waste of natural resources that went into creating and sending this book all over the county.

Anonymous said...

got the propaganda today at an address that I only gave to Texas State University who has since either sold my information to anyone who would buy it or just left it laying around unprotected for anyone who knows how to use a computer can take it

note to anyone who will read anything, don't read this book looking for anything more than a laugh

from the couple of pages i've read it seems to be absolute moral minimums and even those are skewed

- university student

haha what a joke

Anonymous said...

I received my copy today (03/10/2009). I live in Las Vegas, NV. Aside from a few magazine subscriptions (National Review, Business Week, Fortune), I don't give out my name or address or any other personal information lightly (no MySpace or Facebook for me). I also have an MBA. I left my soul-searching days behind me long ago, but I'll probably read through this some day just for kicks. The only thing I find really intruiging about this book is the relative anonymity of it, given our current "Google" age of information (this page is the #1 search result - a bunch of people asking 'what is this thing'). Interesting.

Anonymous said...

My wife got this book today in the mail. She is a student in UNLV in Las Vegas and has only been in the country 5 years. Myself 48 years. Ive not recieved this book, somehow i feel i got ripped..lol Read thru it, reminds me of some propaganda i read from other non supported fact books dealing with human nature and the future of happiness..


Anonymous said...

i got the book today, 3-10-09. i live in dallas, texas and i, also, was a grad student at university of north texas. The anonymity is the weirdest part.

Anonymous said...

Yea I got it to, grad student @ HBU. Oh, look, it just happened to land in my trash can...

Anonymous said...

I got this book (03/10/09)... curiosity killed the cat... for those university of north texas graduate students, what's your major?

Anonymous said...

female, MBA student at UNT. my last semester there was spring 08. am totally creeped out ;/

Anonymous said...

I got it, 2/10/09, Edmond, OK. I am a 50 something, computer professional. Checked with some of my neighbors. They did not receive it. At first glance, not worth my time.

Lucas said...

I also received the book today. I'm a graduate student @ the University of Texas. Looks like every university in Texas sold our names to the pro-evo folks...

John Courage said...

I recieved this book today 3/11/09. I thought it looked strangecoming in clear plasric, and it looked sort of suedo-religious to me. First thing I did was take off the shrink wrap and look for the author and some more information obout the publishing house. I saw the website and went and checked it out and found as many others have that it was just a site in German to order more copies. Next I googled pre-evo and her I am with all of the wrest of you who have recieved this strange peice of mail.

After reading many of the comments here, I'll take the challange and waste a little bit of time checking it out. If its at all interesting I'll keep reading, if its a crazy as some have described it it will go right in the recycling.
By the way, I don't know why I might have recieved it either. I am a teacher and have been politically active in my community so I am known somewhat and I am an athiest, but I don't talk about my nonbelief outside my family. So....why do we all recieve this book, and who is paying for it, and where does the money com from?

JC San Antonio TX

Paul Oliver said...

I talked to some fellow MBA students at Creighton and we all received the book. It looks like the common theme here.

Anonymous said...

Received mine yesterday, 3/11/09. Was in MBA program at Oregon State in the late 90's but haven't been affiliated with a university since then. Weird!

Anonymous said...

I got ProEvo in the mail today (3/12/09). I just completed a teaching certification program in November.

I read a few pages, put it through my paper shredder, and added it to my compost heap, thus helping it to become part of the universe's energy force in that it will help create tastier and more nutritious vegetables for my family.

Anonymous said...

I live in Germany and received this kind of "high-end SPAM" ;) today (2009/03/13). It seems they start spreading this stuff in German speaking countries again. But, Spam stays Spam and so I'll surely won't read this...

Anonymous said...

I also got the book on 3/13/09 and happen to be a graduate of the Oregon State University MBA program in late 90's. Looks like someone must have gotten a hold of a college mailing list.

Anonymous said...

Also in Las Vegas and an MBA student at UNLV... got it in the mail today (probably earlier but I just checked today). Will check with other students tomorrow...

Anonymous said...

I just also got the book yesterday march 18/2009. I did not order and am college student. Live in McAllen, TX. Very secretive book. Some say it is scientologist some says it is.... Any way I do not like it, too secretive.

Seems linked to 666!!!

check it out

"This was mailed to my parents house (presumably for free) a long time ago, and while unpacking after moving I came across it and actually read a bit of it. Has anyone heard of this book? It tries to use evolution (cosmic evolution I think calls it) as a foundation for living ethically and scientifically. It is based on the notion that there are is no god, though this is (for good reason) buried at the end so as not to scare readers off so quickly."

Anonymous said...

MBA student in Texas here... I just got this book too. Skimmed it... I'm a protestant Christian and I believe that though there are some decent ethical thoughts inside. This is definitely some sort or scientology or cultist propoganda.

Anonymous said...

Received it 3/09 in Dallas TX. College grad in early 30's. I buy a lot from Amazon, which seems to be a recurring theme.

I was raised as a Christian but I believe in thinking logically and critically. I don't immediately buy into what I'm told until I've investigated it for myself.

I think the ideas presented in this book are basically good. I'm not about to start preaching it door-to-door or anything, but I don't disagree with most of the fundamentals.

I don't believe it's a cult because there's nothing to join and nothing to pay. Even Christianity asks for 10% of your pay upfront. This group isn't asking for anything. I do wish it wasn't so anonymous though.

Wherever it came from, I'm glad. It never hurts to make yourself think - even if it's to determine that you disagree. It's when we STOP thinking and reasoning that society gets into trouble.

Anonymous said...

Received the book back in March when the other Texans did. Kind of funny where they get the names. My husband and I were laughing hysterically; we're Christians, extremely conservative and politically active. MBA student right now.

I think my favorite part was the germ seeds. All in all...poor writing, weak thoughts, no depth to the ideas, random strings of ideas thrown together; overall...a great laugh.

Anonymous said...

I got my book a few months ago and finally got curious about where it came from. I graduated with an MBA from Arizona State in May, 2009. Seems like they are targeting MBA students.

wotnartd said...

I also received this book, I believe sometime late 2007. I can't be certain because it was just put in a box that I found today. Often this book has crept into my brain, the questions of why it got here and by whom it was sent, always being asked.

It wasn't just addressed to "The Resident's of..." It was to me, which I find a little unnerving. When or where did I ever put my name down for something like this? The internet is full of forms, but I don't fill things out all willy-nilly.

I do have a domain name registered to me at this address, maybe whomever sends them uses that?

wotnartd said...

More thought into my previous comment:

I too am/was a college student at the time. Having dropped out of a CS major at Michigan Tech, and then been to a few community college courses in my area in Wisconsin.

Anonymous said...

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Unknown said...

i received a book today..it seems i am not the first..hmm i wonder who is paying for all these books.. ive only given it a quick perusal..it smacks of a religious cult but only in its vagueness and mode of delivery.

Anonymous said...

Received it 12/7/2009. Columbus, OH. Haven't been a student in a long time.

Anonymous said...

12/09/09: I just received a copy of this in the mail yesterday. I'm bored, so I decided to read it. It's an extremely lite version of eastern philosophy, stripped of most of its substance. You'd be better off reading Lao Tzu (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Laozi). But beyond that it's pretty harmless. The anonymity is also really intriguing -- no begging for money, nearly no way to get in contact with the publishing organization, etc. Kind of funny.

I can't help but wonder where the funding to print and mail these comes from.

discoverychic said...

Strange about the PRO EVO book. I received this in the mail today. I though maybe it was a book sent to me from one of my magazine subscriptions like, Scientific America or American Scientist. I doubted Mother Earth sent me this. I've come to discover that, I don't believe it has anything to do with a subscription....So, than I thought, "What do all of us(people who received this book have in common?"
Well, it looks like we are all on the internet for one. Then I thought what else we might all have in common. Age? Techno? Open minded? What is our common denominator? Now if we could figure out what that is, we might find out where exactly they got our names & address from. I went to the German website & the only translation I could obtain,(from help from German Yahoo's) was just an explanation of the book with no further detail. The book has a post for more information contact Verlag Asama AG , Postfach 22, CH-7001 Chur,Switzerland. That's all. Unfortunately, there is no further info on the web. To me this is trifling, when I'm trying to figure out the means of the book. I'm very open to evolution, science & the existence of man, religion & the unknown...........but WTF? Any info please email me @............

Is this a Socialistic deal or just a forethought? Is our Government messing with us or is there a new Occult on the rise???
Contact me @ whkedlywng@yahoo.com


Dale Sprague said...

Dec 10.2009: Just received this mysterious book also. I read it, and as astrophysicists do with Cosmology, it draws from empirical information of science and attempts to create a spiritual or cosmological philosophy to live by, somewhat in the same way as the philosopher Whitehead tried to do with Einstein's Special and General theories of Relativity. It is essentially monistic by embracing the empirical reality of energy as the 'all and everything.' Yet, anyone who can count, requiring consciousness of zero and infinity, knows that it is axiomatic, something that does not need to be proved, that the empirical reality is not the only one in existence. It also answers the question "Why should anything evolve at all?" with a circular definition; that since things somehow become self aware, they evolve to a higher (pro evo) consciousness, and thus (erroniously) must be the purpose of life.

Anonymous said...

My wife received it. Fascinating in that I first thought it was sent to a Lutheran mailing list, but now perhaps web domain owners. The concept is typical of someone who thought hard about religious and other forms of 'prime force' for morality, but didn't take it to the logical conclusion.
They are trying to make sense (as most people do) of the universe, but as we know, truth doesn't have to make sense: fiction does.
When we stop making things up, then the concepts in this book prove themselves off kilter.
There is possibly a 'prime result' of evolution, which is a net usefulness of things that manage to continue existing, but to imagine there is something which plans ahead of time is the typical human delusion. We do stuff. We have reasons for doing stuff. In that order. The universe is the same way. Random events sometimes generate order. Randomly, that order causes more order. Voila! Life and all of the senseless conundrums which come with it.

Anonymous said...

I just got this book (12-8-2009). I agree that it is lightweight religio-scientific drivel. It is curious that there is no solicitation of funds associated with it and that the sender isn't interested (to my knowledge) of converting me to their cult.

In terms of helping people figure out the common link that caused us all to get this book:
Ph.D. from Ohio State in 2002
currently live in Philadelphia metro area
Teach psychology at a private liberal arts college
Subscribe to Skeptic, Skeptical Inquirer, Scientific American, and Science
I mail order stuff from Amazon.com but no other companies
religious affiliation: Atheist

Anonymous said...

Received a copy today in the mail addressed to my nickname, which I generally only use for magazine subscriptions. I also don't use my real first name or nickname for online stuff.
I do attend college off and on.

Anonymous said...

12/11/09 - received.
26, Seattle WA.

I've done a bit of searching online, mostly about the mysterious publisher. The address listed for the publisher Asana AG is:
Aquasanastrasse 8, 7001 Chur, Schweiz

This maps to a building in the Swiss town Chur. (Aren't satellite photos grand?)

Also registered at this address are the following:
1. TravCo Travel & Tourism (a "transport + courier")
2. "TNC" (stands for Treuhand Norbert Cavegn AG), see next item - they're remarkably similar.
3. "TRM" (which, as far as I can tell, is the acronym for a law/finance/trust/auditors "fiduciary expert" companyTreuhand Reto Mueller ("Reto Mueller Trust"). They also seem to have handled the bankruptcy/liquidation of the Hotel Steinbock Klosters AG in Klosters - Translates as Hotel Capricorn.)

TRM info is here:
...And also here:
...though the website listed is "under construction"
There are phone numbers and e-mail addresses, however.

There is more info about the publisher (and the multilayered business that controls it) here:

And a search for Treuhand Reto Mueller on Moneyhouse.ch has some interesting data, including former company names and names of various employees.

Unfortunately I have no idea what any of this has to do with the very strange and slightly creepy book showing up in my mailbox. I really didn't like the fact that when I unwrapped it there appeared to be some white powdery residue on it. In all likelihood harmless, but still...unwelcome.

Anyone want to follow up on this?

Ken Adair said...

Witness the birth of a new religion. Yes, it's garbage, but I'm amazed at the smugness of Christian commentators here. This book has some good ideas about consciously controlling our societal path but at the same time seems to wallow in so many ridiculous and unfounded beliefs... so it, basically, discredits itself. Not as bad as Christianity or other Abrahamic desert god religions, though. I just wish people could be more critically-minded and not rush into more garbage beliefs "because they are fun."

Anonymous said...

I received this book yesterday, 12/11/09 and do use amazon frequently, as a matter of fact I just used them a week ago..could be a connection there.
The book seems relatively harmless, still reading it but am not very impressed so far. the author clearly isn't a scientist at all.

Anonymous said...

December 12, 2009

I just received a copy, same shrink wrap, no return address. I'm in San Diego County, California.

I see it was bulk mailed from Hackensack, NJ with mail permit #1232. Think there's a way of finding out who the mailer is with this info.

All very strange.

Anonymous said...

I received the book this week, 12/10/2009 . . . it came to my work; a natural foods cooperative. seems like an interesting read, but the cloak of mystery surrounding it is enough to make me wonder. as for it being part of a cult movement, i see no difference between this type of book and the bible. to me organized religion is just as cultish as anything being written here regarding pro evo, and i am certain that will anger many who are believers of the catholic and christian faith (odd how those who say they follow the teachings of Jesus, get so pissed off and un-Jesus like when you don't agree with their faith.)

Anyway, the basic gist of the book seems positive, though the investing in goverment agencies is about as far from what the rest of the book espouses as can be.

Anonymous said...

I don't think the mailing has any rhyme or reason - my husband received a copy the other day - he received his degree in 1997. I ended up on this blog site trying to find our more info about it...

1.414 said...

Don't sell your shares in the Doomsday Seed Vault!

As per the dictates of R.C. Christian's monument, your receipt of this text ensures you safe passage on the Arc (granted you behave in accord with the Foundation's Guidelines) when the Gamma Ray Emanations from Galactic Center resonate with the Cosmic Gravitation Wave Frequencies of your Third Eye's geomagnetic alignment.

Anonymous said...

Got it this today in the mail. I ripped it open and thought 'what cult is sending me propaganda now?' Hail Eris^2!

Anonymous said...

Received in Boulder, 12/12/09. At first I thought it must have been sent from a fundamentalist Christian family member, but no.

I'm on some mailing lists for Obama and the Democrats- are good folks in right-leaning orgs getting it too?

IMO, this book is weak at best, and I'm throwing it away. My guess: it comes from someone's schizophrenic dream derived mission.

Apologies to schizophrenics- this dream strikes me as silly, but yours may be different. What's real anyway?

Anonymous said...

I’m 23, received it 12/14/09, Royse City, TX. I place my bets (so-to-speak) on the government. I’ve been attending Collin College since 2005 and now I have my associates. But when transferring to UTD, there was no way to paying for it out of pocket, so I signed up for FAFSA before the fall semester. Did anyone else who received this book sign up for FAFSA?

All I can say is read the Bible. It’s backed by secular history, archeology, and it’s scientific foreknowledge among other things. Don’t take my word for it, look, research! For the skeptics who wonder about alleged contradictions, check out http://www.apologeticspress.org/allegeddiscrepancies/.

weinhold said...

Received the book last week - December 2009. Only connection I see is that recent posts are from Midwest. Earlier ones seem to be from west and south. Websites seem to indicate the Tomotom foundation is trying to promote the book's ideas, presumably because they like them, by sending them to people they think might be receptive. They seem pretty scattergun in their approach. The ideas are not the worst; I see worse in the radio, TV, print media every day. Anybody read the Democratic or Republican Party platforms? I am of retirement age, but have been involved in environmental activities.

Anonymous said...

Wow, I got this book today. I'm a 57 yr old housewife. Very strange - out of the blue.

Anonymous said...

i'm in highschool and i recieved this. no web domain. no collage degree. don't even have a credit card. but it has my name. if this sort of thing is sent to young kids, i can see a youth orginization forming around it... that scares me. i was signed up a while ago for scientific american. could that be it? i do not like it at all... located in arizona, recieved on dec. 15

Anonymous said...

I am an MBA student too and received the book. The secretive aspect is what is killing me. I wonder where they got my information.

Anonymous said...

12.15.09 southern california
i didnt recieve the book (yet maybe) but my sister did a few days ago, and she let me read it first. here is some info on her for those who want to find a common link.

21 years old

No_Magic said...

Got a copy in the mail on 14 Dec 2009. It seems to be a bunch of disjointed, mystical nonsense. Not sure why I got a copy. Couldn't tell from the mailing label. Wonder who's funding the publication and distribution?

Tossed in the trash as a waste of my time (and someone's money).

Anonymous said...

i got this in the mail on 12/13/09.
I have read every page.
The first few pages (11-16) are interesting and give a good synopsis of a scientific understading of 'Biug Bang Creation' as we know it today.
But from there it is all downhill. It quickly turns to jibberish starting on page 19 with statements that assert, "...energy tends to change ...but not chaotically...in the same direction...and this constant change is unstoppable"
Say what?
The rest of the pages simply assert the authors point of view (not supported by any science) regarding morality and function of government.
The author is clearly a socialist.
The most glaring missing piece is that the author ignores ignors the fact that honest differences of opinion exist between people. The author does not provide a mechanism to resolve disputes. Rather, the author expects everyone to simly adopt the philosophy 'word for word' as written. It seems the author wants this philosophy to used in the manner of a Bible. That is, accept every word as TRUTH and do not challege what is written here'.
However, it was fun to read and i had a lot of laughs and scribbled notes on just about every page.

Patrick said...

Received the book on 12-13-09. Read every word.
Pages 11 and 12 provide an interesting overview of the "Big Bang" description of creation.
The rest of the story goes downhill fast.
It becomes jibberish mostly, based on a personal ideology of an unknown author.
The author seems to expect us readers to accept every word as being a basic truth.
The greatest weakness of the entire book is that no method is provided to abjudicate any differences of opinion. It seems the author expects everyone to think of these words as fundamental truth as one might accept the words of the Bible to contain nothing but the truth.
The reading provided a lot of laughs and I made notes on just about every page regarding how outrageous it all is.

Anonymous said...

I received this book yesterday as well.

Someone mentioned subscribing to Scientific American. I do, and under the same name (nickname) to which this book was mailed.

bucolic philosopher said...

Received the book in mid December 2009. Like others who received it, I subscribe to many science magazines and am a confirmed skeptic. I have a degree in physics and am reasonably knowledgeable in cosmology. I did not find anything absolutely wrong or offensive in the author's use of basic cosmology as a foundation for his personal philosophy. His ideas are not terribly profound and he did not say much that I had not previously thought about. But he has given structure and coherence to two powerful intellectual creations of the human mind, namely "evolution" and "energy." These two enormously complicated, ubiquitous and misunderstood notions are about as fundamental to the skeptical mind as the notion of "God" is to the faith-based mind. I don't know if "Pro Evo" is any sort of great leap forward for skeptics but it is interesting and reasonably well thought out.

Matt said...

I received a copy today. To some degree the book is interesting, but it's fundamentally flawed.

It proposes that humans should guide evolution in a particular direction. The claim seems to be that since humans have the capacity to make complex choices, that we should make choices to direct evolution in a certain direction.

From a scientific point of view, evolution by natural selection does not have a direction.

He makes some rather absurd statements about art, the role of women, and psychotherapy.

He also makes specific claims with no evidence. For example, he says that 1500 working hours per adult per year will be needed to create enough for everyone on earth. And the source for this claim is....?

I do like some of his arguments, but there's more "meh" than "wow" here.

Anonymous said...

December 18, 2009
Evanston, IL. I'm a female high school senior. Yeah, it's bunk, but the content is not the point. It's just meant to plant a question in your head, it's a social/thought experiment.

I'm putting it in an unobtrusive spot on the bookshelf. I didn't take it out of the shrink wrap. I ate a pomegranate and thought about skydiving today.

Anonymous said...

I received this book as well, and the moment that I removed it from the mailbox, I had this weird, scared feeling. I looked at it, and it seemed innocent enough. I brought it inside and opened it. It was addressed to me, with my name and correct address. I didn't read it, just flipped through it and read a few sentences. The type of thing written inside really made me not want to read it. It looked like cult stuff. I received it after arriving home from church that day. Then I realized the weird thing about this that made me slightly scared. I am 15 years old, and no, I am not famous, and somehow, somebody, somewhere, happens to know who I am and where I live. Also, whoever brought it did it personally, because it was delivered on sunday. This is really creepy and I need to find out who this stuff is from, because I want to know how they knew who I am.

epsilon said...

I just found a copy in my Woburn, MA PO box (zip 01888). Hackensack, NJ, mailing permit #1232.

No middle initial. I generally use a coded middle initial when I subscribe to magazines (e.g., L = libertarian, C = conservative, I = investment, M = moonbat).

I'm 61. I used to have dozens of magazine subscriptions. But now I have only a few, my media consumption having migrated online gradually, beginning in 1991.

I used to be in the mailing list business, so I can tell you there's a zillion ways you might have wound up their list.

I'm scheduled to take a plane ride soon, so I'll take the book along as reading material.

Anonymous said...

I too just received a copy of Pro-Evo, Based on the dates of the posts here, these books have been mailed out over several years.

A few common theme I've noticed is that a significant number the recipients posting here have a technical or educational background. With that in mind, I'm fairly certain that this was mailed to me because I'm a subscriber of Scientific American (Meaning someone bought their mailing list).

As for it's purpose, it could be a social experiment along the lines of DARPA's Red Balloon challenge.

Regardless, mine ended up in the recycling bin pretty quickly.

Unknown said...

12/23/10 received this book as well, about 2 weeks ago. removed wrap yesterday. saw a couple others post about subscribing to scientific american. i do as well. have to believe its as others have stated - mailing list obtained - subscribers of certain magazines sent book etc. ... jason

Anonymous said...

Came to our house in my wife's name. Saw some of you mentioned Scientific American. I get that, but through her name, and that subscription pairs up with the use of her middle initial. Austin, TX. Shrink wrapped and all.

VERY hard to find any information about this group...

Unknown said...

Got it today (Dec. 24, 2009) in the usual fashion, shrink-wrapped with no return address. I live in New Orleans, Louisiana.

I read the first ten pages, then skipped to the middle, read a bit, then skipped to the end. Impressions: pretentious pseudo-mystical bullshit.

The only mailing list I know I'm on is the one for Scientific American. This doesn't seem like something they'd spread around, so it must have come second- or third-hand from them.

I binned it. Trash night's on Friday, if I feel like it I'll dig it out again and see if there's anything remotely interesting before binning it again.

jb said...

Possible reason for receiving the book. I noticed one other responder said that he had a subscription to Scientific American. Me too. Anyone else?

Anonymous said...

I just got mine a last month 12/09. I too used Amazon.com recently before receiving it, me thinks amazon is selling mailing lists.

I'm a little pissed off. Not about getting unsolicited junk mail, but because of how much paper I'm about to throw in the trash. What a waste of resources.

Anonymous said...

googled mail permit #1232 in Hackensack led me to this direct mailing company:


would it be possible to ask them who the client is?

Anonymous said...

For the purpose of finding book's origin.
Got book sometime in December 09. Most intrigued of why me and from who. I am 60 years old, work in Hispanic television network in New York. I Subscribe to National Geography and American Science. Produced short pacifist documentary in 1973.

michael1 said...

according:pro evo by tomotom ,edit.:asama,chur/switzerland-

what`s all this ,is there anyone outside who can
give me a handful of informations about
the author of this pile of this book? a couple of days ago someone left it in front of my flat door
and I was wondering what I did to preserve sucha kind of honour.try to read it concentrated but found out it`s probably pseudo-mystic.could this be true?I´m living
in germany and I´am a converted buddhist who was ,before I decided
to change my live,an anti-christ.
In the meantime I read tons of interesting books which showed me the next steps upon my way to truth
and enlightment...but they always were clearly to recognize.no way with this one.
thx.4ur help in advance.
michael linsner ,berlin- germany

Anonymous said...

Got this book today. August 24th, 2010.

Previously subscribed to scientific american through a kaplan test prep course.

Agent 009 said...

I received this book 8/23/2010 in Chicago, IL.

I am 16 years old, and the only possible way that this mysterious sender could have gotten my name is through Scientific American.

I did a Google Earth search of "Verlag Asama AG" and got nothing. A search of Gassner & Seger AG revealed that it is an advertising company in Vaduz, Liechtenstein. Would an advertising company do book covers? Just wondering.

Also, 'CareFree Universe' has zero web presence, so I strongly doubt that any connection can be made to them (if they exist, that is) and Pro Evo.

I have been reading through Pro Evo, and I can't say that it's a bad book. However, it simply reiterates a lot of the same arguments that mankind has been using for the past five thousand years. It just attaches some new buzzwords and a trace of New Age mysticism to them, which can be irritating at points. All in all, it's worth a look, even if it's just deciding whether or not to throw it out.

But hey: It's a free book. Who's gonna argue with that?

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