Tuesday, June 13, 2006

More like Satan or OJ?

(Spoken in my best impression of Ben Stein in "Ferris Beuller's Day Off"): Wow. Rove will not be indicted for Plamegate. Outrage. Surprise and outrage are the feelings coursing through my body as I type.


When I was in elementary school, I used to go to a day care center after school called "Little Folks." By the time I was in the third grade, I was the oldest kid there, and I had a miniature posse that would trail behind me and do my bidding. In fact, I was really good about "suggesting" to other kids interesting things to do for our mutual entertainment. Inevitably, the other kids got in trouble while I remained scot free. I feel the occasional pang of guilt when I look back because I never really compensated those wee ones with anything more than the pleasure of my company. And now for my big question of the day:

Are any of the toddlers running with scissors for the Bush administration reaping any kind of benefit for their association with W?

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