Tuesday, December 12, 2006

I Sincerely Hope W's Xmas Sucks

In an exceptionally convenient move, the White House has announced that it will wait until after the holidays to announce any new approach to the Iraq War. The AP coverage can be found here among other sites:


Please, Mr. President, tell that to the Marines. No, really, tell the Marines and every other serviceman and woman over there right now that you want to mull it around for a bit over the Christmas break. You see, you're the decider, so you tell them that the holidays are such a hectic time what with shopping and Chrismahannukwanzukka and Festivus parties and all that you need some time to make up your mind.

You see, these policy decisions are tough. They're hard to make. They're what you call "hard decisions," and the holidays are more of a get-together-with-friends-and-family time than a do-my-job-so-fewer-American-soldiers-lose-their-lives time. You've decided, decider, to take your sweet time, so take it. Shucks, you've got plenty of time; a whole lot can happen in two years. Besides, it's not like anything you decide today is going to get them home any quicker. That would require admitting that you may have made an error in prior decision-making situations; furthermore, it would require quick, decisive measures on your part, and
quite frankly, sir, you've more than proven that you're able to make one or the other but not both.

So Merry Christmas, Mr. President. I sincerely hope that the coal you receive in your stocking will keep your cold, grinchy heart warm enough to keep track of every American casualty you rack up between now and when you finally get off your draft-dodging duff to decide.

May God continue to bless America, and have mercy on your soul.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's time for a new entry. How about an updated photo of Dashiell, or are you too busy making lesson plans and grading term papers?