Wednesday, August 11, 2004

Babble on, Babylon

So I was sitting in the living room channel-surfing the other day(which for me means hopping back and forth between Headline News, the History Channel, and the digital guide to what's on) when some guy said something about all the early civilizations being pretty much the same. He referenced the Babylonian Flood story and compared it to some other Middle Eastern somethinornuther, and this led me to my personal library to look up Babylon, which led me to the Enuma Elish.

"What's that, Mr. Bosch?" you ask.

Well, a full translation of it can be found here:



Anonymous said...

Gimme that old time religion. None of this namby-pamby turn-the-other-cheek stuff.

Once I get through Herotodus, and perhaps Dhalgren, I've already decided to start poking around some of the early Indian texts.

Ever read Lord of Light? 'tis fun.

Anonymous said...

Gimme that old time religion. None of this namby-pamby turn-the-other-cheek stuff.

Once I get through Herotodus, and perhaps Dhalgren, I've already decided to start poking around some of the early Indian texts.

Ever read Lord of Light? 'tis fun.

Aloysius Bosch said...

Hmm, don't know that one. Who's it by?