Saturday, October 23, 2004

Mission Accomplished

Well, I've done it. I early-voted. Or, since I live in Texas, I early-threw-away-my-vote-for-president-since-we-have-an-archaic-electoral-voting-system. I realize that that last statment makes me seem a bit cynical, but I am really not a fan of the electoral college. Like unions, the electoral college once had a purpose, but no longer. "But it's the best system we've got for making sure no one state decides the vote." Yeah, whatever. The assholes that tote that horseshit around as a stock answer are the same rat-fuckers that want to amend the Constitution of the United States to legally exclude a minority. But I digress...

So, as I like to tell my students, it's not always who you vote for; sometimes it's who you vote against. And no, I did not vote straight Democrat as some of my coworkers have supposed I would. There were a few Libertarians (ie confused Republicans) that got my vote, if only because there was no Democrat in that race and I needed to vote against a Republican.

In conclusion, and with feeling, I'd like to extend a hearty and heart-felt "Go Fuck Yourself" to the entire Republican Party in general, and to certain elected officials in particular, and you know who you are.

Buck Fush!

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