Monday, September 03, 2007

One-Liners Overheard While Hunting

  • You can't drink all day unless you start in the morning.
  • Boy, he was madder than a captured Jap. (Dont' remember the context, just thought it was a really funny phrase.)
  • How do you put the magazine restrictor in this thing? (Uttered to a game warden while holding an over-and-under shotgun.)
  • If the birds were always there and easy to hit, it wouldn't be hunting; it would be shopping.
  • Wait--is the limit 12 or 15? (Asked by a fellow with 19 doves.)
  • If you buy your girlfriend a license and bring her with you, your limit is 24.
  • This is my wife. She's a retriever AND a bird cleaner, all in one.
  • When a little girl shows up with her daddy, and she's got a .410 of her own that she's actually using to shoot birds, she's going to limit out before anyone else in the field.
  • I've got three boxes of shells. If I can't get 12 birds in 75 shots, I've got other problems than low ammunition.
  • It's not beer. It's aiming fluid.
  • If you miss the first two shots, the third shot is just anger.

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