Tuesday, September 11, 2007

What kind of bees give milk?


Okay, really. This is supposed to be a news story? I clicked on it not because I'm not above a second glance at a good set of life-sustaining mammary glands; rather, I clicked on "Exercise unleashes a bounce bras can't handle" because I figured that this had to be some kind of stealth ad for jog-bras.

No, it's real. Someone in England apparently found it absolutely stunning that during exercise, every woman's mammalian protuberances will--get this--bounce. They even went so far as to hook up biometric devices to measure the amount and pattern.

And just in case you fear to click the above link for fear of juggling jubblies on your work screen, allow me to quote the caption, "Study scientist Joanna Scurr records measurements as a participant runs on a treadmill. Eight sensors on her body revealed her breasts moved in a figure-8 pattern." (Credit: University of Portsmouth. Emphasis mine.)

MSNBC, you suck.

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