Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Humor at the Expense of my Alma Mater

If you don't follow college foosball, then you might not know that the University of Alabama is supposed to be going to the Weedeater Bowl in Shreveport, or something like that. Not that we deserved going to anything better than the Tidy Bowl, mind you. Nonetheless, someone with a good sense of humor and too much money on his hands erected a billboard that says, "Rolled," and has the score of the Alabama-Lousiana Monroe game. This billboard is right next to the stadium where doubtless it will be seen by many a Bama fan. I hope it fires up the team to win this one.

However, the billboard may be all for nought! There is the strong possibility that Alabama will not be able to get to the bowl game in Shreveport. Yes, apparently the Tide's busses can't get past Monroe either.

Ave Ursa. Roll damned Tide.

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