Saturday, December 22, 2007

Pro-Evo Two Years Later

Okay, maybe not exactly two years; it's been more like one year and almost 11 months, but hey-ho-let's-go...

So, nearly two years later, and my original post is still getting comments. I can't figure out what our common denominator is--most likely a marketer's email list. Unfortunately, I no longer have my copy as I loaned it to a student who never gave it back. For that matter, I also loaned him some Ayn Rand nonsense that I DO NOT WANT BACK, so I guess it all comes clean in the wash.

Hey, are any you all who keep receiving this stuff on either the Randroids' or the Scientologists' mailing lists?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I got a copy of the book today. Maybe our addresses were sold to a third party? Anyone belong to any non-profit organizations (political, social)? Anyone purchase books from independent bookstores?

This is really bugging me.