Monday, December 31, 2007

I've Got to Save the World... of Warcraft

Yeah, I took the plunge on a lark. Now I'm a 10th level Dwarven Warrior named "Thurgood."

This is not actually my guy. My guy has a samurai top-knot and a red beard. My guy uses an axe, too.

So your next questions may be:
  1. How much time have you spent on this game so far?
  2. Are you on a pvp server or one of those wussie "role-playing" servers?
  3. Which of those wussie "role-playing" servers are you on?

And my answers would be:

  1. Nunya.
  2. Sigh. You got me. I'm on a role-playing server, but my reason is simple: I don't want to be schooled by a 10-yr-old kid, or a naked fatman calling himself Princess Starlightta.
  3. I'm on the Fast Riders server. At least, that's what I think it's called.

Happy New Year. BCNU.


Anonymous said...

If you reroll on Garithos, you'll be on the same server with the only character I still play, a level 59 gnome mage.

Having high-level friends is very helpful. ;)

Also, PVP is less of a hassle than you think. You're absolutely safe until about level 20, since you'll still be in Alliance-owned territory. It's only in contested territory (or territory owned by Horde) that Alliance folks can get smacked by other players.


Unknown said...

Woot! I'm glad to see I'm not the only teacher playing WoW. I'm on Anvilmar. Hope you enjoy it.
